Tianyi Liu My Works & Thoughts
About Me

About Me

Hey there! I’m currently in the thick of my 5th year pursuing a Ph.D. in Biostatistics at The University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health, soon to be a Triple Tar Heel. My research focuses on cell type deconvolution and precision medicine, delving into how statistical modeling and machine learning can advance these fields. I collaborate with a diverse group of experts to tackle real-world problems in public health and allied health sciences, and you can check out my publications and projects on this website.

When I’m not immersed in research, I love to unwind with a good book, travel to new places, savor delicious meals, and get active with sports and trivia games. Lately, I’ve developed a keen interest in Hold’em poker. Of course, nothing beats quality time with my friends and my cat Wrigley.